where everything is cured with a kind word and a small action

Welcome to the world of an ordinary girl in exstroadinary circumstances

I hope this gives you the courage to over come whatever is holding you back in life. I hope it allows you to feel the gratitude of your life, to see the positives whatever you circumstances. To me lathough sometimes difficlt my glass is normaly half full, has ice and lemone and some nice saphire gin and tonic in it. I am not alone in my battles in life and now I know "alone i cant BUT together we can". Welcome :)

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Back home in cumbria

Ulverston, where im staying with my Dad and Auntry Rona is a historic market town. Its claim to fame is tht Stan Laurel was born here, also it used to have the most pub per square mile in england! Alas the Great British pub is a dying thing. Supermarket booze and the recetion has meant that 3 pubs close every day now in the UK. Ulverston has a well known market on a thurseday and one thing ive come to realise is that the UK makes some of the best cheeses in the world. This pic is of a store that sells scrummy hand made cheeses! The other pic is of one of my friends (Mel) whos been a great support to me and someone who didnt run for the hills when sharing my journey. We met whilst working in the same hotel and shes a keeper as friends go!

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