where everything is cured with a kind word and a small action

Welcome to the world of an ordinary girl in exstroadinary circumstances

I hope this gives you the courage to over come whatever is holding you back in life. I hope it allows you to feel the gratitude of your life, to see the positives whatever you circumstances. To me lathough sometimes difficlt my glass is normaly half full, has ice and lemone and some nice saphire gin and tonic in it. I am not alone in my battles in life and now I know "alone i cant BUT together we can". Welcome :)

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

then life changed

I didn't have bipolar
I had ptsd
from childhood violence
from trauma care in hospital
and im dealing with it
and I had a disastrous relationship and the next thing
I have no relationship
2weeks later
I find out im pregnant
the big man of them that rule
advised me
to not continue with it
but I always knew it wasn't bipolar at heart
seems I was right
life is complex
I wreck a lot of good stuff
but my boy
hes wonderful
I feel blessed everyday
people come
some stay
the rest I kind of outrun
as im know im free
kind of
no enforced meds
that was brutal
I went for help
and lost 10 years to it
then Alfie
and these days
I try to anticipate
it nearly was all too much
until I found I was pregnant
and they see my son
and they see how awesome he is
and its the big fuck you to the system
how I love this boy
ive lost weight
lost the bloating
but I have to be careful
they fried me on cortisol
the fear hormone
and its in my body fat
when I loose weight
it floods my system
and me all sensitive to it
tends to be shit being a love sickfool
makes me go a lil stressed
hey ho
as long as my son is awesome
ill just try and be the best I can be
143  son