where everything is cured with a kind word and a small action

Welcome to the world of an ordinary girl in exstroadinary circumstances

I hope this gives you the courage to over come whatever is holding you back in life. I hope it allows you to feel the gratitude of your life, to see the positives whatever you circumstances. To me lathough sometimes difficlt my glass is normaly half full, has ice and lemone and some nice saphire gin and tonic in it. I am not alone in my battles in life and now I know "alone i cant BUT together we can". Welcome :)

Friday, 29 January 2010

30th jan 10

Well, day three of ptsd treatment. Something thats haunted me for some 27 years from my first ventilation in ICU. After many years i went for help and they said i had bi-polar. Not that i have anything against bi-polar people more the fact that the treatments for the 2 are very different. So after fighting through all that in ICU i lost 8 years to cra bipolar medication hangcuffs. These meds made me so compliant and confused my friends though me lost to them forever. But something inside me just would give up. So I fought, even getting section when i asserted my rights. So after 3 weeks of 14 hours a day researching and emailing prffesors around the globe i come to understand a number of things. 1) not all doctors are gods 2) some docs dont have the knowledge to help you 3)you can find the information and present them in a well reasoned way to make them listen. This process took me some 8 years to atchieve and on day 3 on my treatment which at presant is only drug based due to over 12 month waiting list in the UK for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for reprogramming of traumatic events i think im doing ok. After only getting 28 hours sleep in 10 days Im back to sleeping full nights, but this is due to zopiclone dossage not through some magic cure. I have much to still fight for, ive had on and off 37 years of steroid treatment 27 of which has been daily. This can cause cushing syndrome, organ failure, brittle bones and mass obesity.....charlming isnt it but life saving for me. SO my lost 8 years cause me much anger as its all down to ignorance and laziness and so unnessesary. So as a baby blogger thats it from me, not that i think anyone shall ever read my ramblings, sch x


  1. I have to be the first to leave you a comment..these days with the medical system not allowing doctors to have the time needed to address people properly..a system designed to fail most people with chronic medical care needs..empowerment of self is the best step forward anyone can make..congratulations on empowering yourself and making those first baby steps forward to healing..the journey ahead is long but nothing like the journey of not being listened to that brought you here..may each day..bring new joy and hope..where there was once a faded rose..in the darkness...you are newly growing..with sharper torns..so no one will pick you so quickly and kill you with ignorance...happy blogging

  2. I've started to read it my friend <3

    Myron xx

  3. oh its you dude.....well now you kinda know whats going on in my head huh.....i am so sad raquel......so tired of all of this and im not a quitter so i aint got a choice but to get on with it.....if wishes were snowflakes id be in an averlanch...cheers dude soph x
