You know i dont know what it is about Kylie. I just dont know, im passed the point of embarassment. For me its about production values, about bubblegum pop, about relief from the darkness of my circustances. Nothing else ive found works quite like smiley kylie. I wouldnt mind but when she first came out i wasnt really very fusted.....i was far too serious about music....and then came the impossible princess album and i was hooked. Did it again, breath just a couple of the songs that rang in my head. I saw changes of direction and creative originality all in a sassy easy to access package. Of course this all culmintaed in seeing her in Aukland may i think 09. I was this time so in the grips of misdiagnosis and bi-polar medication i only remember knee high red boots and a hair style i wasnt sure of, the rest i had to watch the dvd to know what id actualy seen. Non of my photographs came out well, a dot, blurry on the horizon. But i know i was there. See ptsd ment that crouds caused me great anguish, so had to load up on dreadful lorazepam to even get to cuing stage. So as hospitals, anything medical triggers my stress reaction, cos it was ignored for 27 years I get intense feelings of panic. I think of kylie, i think of her as my alter ego, its me up there, prancing, dancing and being sassy. When she sings i believe in you, shes singing it to me. Giving me confidence to sit and not run. I mean wot would i do without my ipod. And this is one indulgence that has no side effects and makes me pretty easy to buy for at Christmas. Kylie is better than any pill or potion.....and she beat her cancer with more digntiy than i could ever muster. So for me i will always love Kylie for without her i think i would be lost in some locked unit, when after all there is nothing pathalogically wrong with my mental status. Ive only reacted intelligently to obsurd circumstances. I mean 1 in 3 people die in ICU, 1 in 5 die on the mechanical ventilator and me well 100+ ICU admissions and 15+ mechanical ventilations so you do the maths.... So its kylie kylie kylie for me! Sends my spirits soring, gives me my armour for the ongoing fight to get correct medical treatments, because modern medicine is sadly lacking in many areas one of them being compassion another time and another caring.....im more than just a file....or in my case 3 files.......to think they locked me in a mental unit....drugged me for 8 years so i couldnt protest......after all that fighting against the odd....and yet i flourish and grow only stronger.......and kylie has never left my side....even upon waking in ICU after surviving yet another attack my laptop is at my side and my Dvd's and MP3's await so i can distract myself from the smell of death all around me.........i just with you all had your own Kylie in your life......she really has saved me......so for me this picture of brits 2002 blue monday mix is the empitomy of how i would like to be......crisp, alluring, attention to detail and delivering........god bless you Ms Kylie Ann Minogue, even if you are half Welsh! WE only have one thing in common and thats being gemini's.........i pray that your 5 year tests show your all clear and that this man is the one. I carry you always.
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