where everything is cured with a kind word and a small action

Welcome to the world of an ordinary girl in exstroadinary circumstances

I hope this gives you the courage to over come whatever is holding you back in life. I hope it allows you to feel the gratitude of your life, to see the positives whatever you circumstances. To me lathough sometimes difficlt my glass is normaly half full, has ice and lemone and some nice saphire gin and tonic in it. I am not alone in my battles in life and now I know "alone i cant BUT together we can". Welcome :)

Wednesday 3 February 2010

And the door opend

This is the letter i sent that opend the magic door to correct diagnosis....i had to provide all the information to this doc, but im just grateful she listend and read the documents id attatched......shes now being pretty suportive and thats all ive ever asked for. Just someone to be openminded enough to consider alternatives to bipolar!

I cannot post any of the replies as im bound by NHS privacy regulations. I wish i could because you would understand how frustrating and energy spping the process has been.

dr ******,

so...........another day of acute symptoms driving physical deterioration.

Im not latigeous by nature......just a thought. I have a great capcity for
forgivness due to practice and good nature. Im really very easy to help as i do
all the hardwork myself as weve seen. I would say my father would be though if
anything was to happen to me. Hes watched and listened, hes appauled at having
to watch me daily.

Ive been waiting since July. You gonna make things happen or what? My days are
a living hell, my nights worse. What are my options? I will do this on my
terms. I am deteriorating at a rate of knots. I think you should hear that very

if you dont get intouch with me tomorrow friday...means ive another weekend of
this.....im not sure how my body is keeing going. Pure will power i think. I
cant put my arms above my head, have to sleep in my clothes, too tired and in
pain to shower....living on little sleep due to PTSD CLASSICAL symptoms.

Ive a right to be both impatient and a priority.

Do i have to beg even more?

I am really quite angry. If you actualy listen to my recording of my last
appointment you will hear me giving you all the classic symptoms of ptsd and
with my history its kinda obvious. No wonder i get so angry.

You could be off sick or on holiday. Those are the usual reason i have to
wait......just cos ive done it for 8 years doesnt make each extra day any

so there ive wagged my finger enough. But since July come on!

I cant help but think that its quite possible my body could fail at any time
due to the stress its under going and my weakening state. I do hope you wont
have this on your conscience....ive been treated as some nut neurotic and had
my symptoms underplayed for along time.....but ive made my peace with all
around me and am not frightend of death am just not ready right now....i try
not to think about it and try all practical methods to help myself and be

thank you for your time

Sophie hudson

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